Houston, Texas

All of us want to be winners, and all of us can BE winners; sometimes it just takes an AH-HA moment, an idea, a piece of information that influences and motivates us. This session will cause you to examine why you do and say the things you do. Will it help you lease more apartments? YES! Will it help you retain your residents? YES! Will it change your personal life? YES absolutely, as long as you are willing to be honest with yourself and are willing to change some self- defeating behaviors.

In this session you will learn:

To examine your self is truly the root of your behaviors;
To deal with others fairly, gracefully, and to leave a great impression;
That you can reprogram the original computer; your brain;
Winning is a product of your attitude; not what has happened to you in the past.

Everyone will benefit, even those of you who think you have it all under control.

Join Anne Sadovsky, The Apartment All Stars, and Multifamily Insiders on April 11th at 2pm ET (11am PT) to learn how to get in on the bargains!

Register Now!

Who Should Attend:
Owners, Marketing Directors, Regional Managers, Property Managers, and Suppliers

About Anne Sadovsky:
Anne Sadovsky is the owner of a Dallas based marketing, consulting and seminar firm – where she and her associates provide training, keynotes and counsel to a variety of industries, businesses and associations. She is the former Vice President of Marketing and Education of Lincoln Property Company. Her expertise in multifamily housing (since 1968!) makes her a sought after consultant and trainer.

Official Website:

Added by Felicia Norman on April 2, 2012

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