Houston, Texas

Abe Lincoln once said, “If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend 6 sharpening my axe.” Talent aside, the key to building trust and delivering a successful leasing presentation is to know your stuff. The amount of preparation you do will dictate the prospect’s perception of your competence and affect confidence – both yours and theirs.

In this fast paced session, Lori will help you take your sales game up a notch with tips and techniques that will assist you in becoming a more professional and polished sales professional. Learn what you can do for the benefit of your clients and for yourself, that will assist you in delivering a competent, confident presentation.

You have one chance. If you blow it, they’re not coming back. Better get prepared.

Join Lori Snider, The Apartment All Stars, and Multifamily Insiders on March 21st at 2pm ET (11am PT) to learn how to make the most of your one chance!

Register Now!

Who Should Attend:
Owners, Marketing Directors, Regional Managers, Property Managers, and Suppliers

About Lori Snider:
Lori Snider is widely regarded as one of the best sales and service trainers in multifamily real estate. A professional speaker, author and marketing strategist, Lori is a frequent and requested national conference presenter and she is regularly sought for her keen insight regarding marketing trends. Lori’s workshops and keynotes are packed with real life experiences that thousands have related to, and her sense of humor makes sessions fun and interesting. Her enthusiasm, sales skills and imaginative problem solving abilities are contagious, and her creative capabilities can take a company from average to exceptional through strategic, focused initiatives. Lori co-founded Creativity For Rent, a marketing and design firm that served the real estate industry, and has executed marketing strategies for a myriad of product types throughout the country.

Official Website:

Added by Felicia Norman on March 6, 2012

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