Corner Collins and Swanston Streets
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

A full day two track conference, plus an optional extra day of workshops, focussing on concepts, technologies and techniques for building great user experiences on the web.

Featuring Andy Budd, Robert Hoekman Jr, Cameron Adams, and many more fantastic UX experts, overing every aspect of designing, developing and testing web based and mobile user experiences.

Whatever your role - designer, developer, IA, product and project manager all the way to CIO and CTO - this will be an exciting day of informative, stimulating content to send you home even better enabled to build the web.

Fully catered, the conference costs just $AUD495 (including GST), until May 1, then $595 after that. Places really are limited, so don't miss out on our first ever event in Melbourne.

Official Website:

Added by johnallsopp on March 17, 2008