1415 1st Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98101

We would like to invite you to join us for the Unplugged Speaker's Dinner this Thursday night hosted by Web Directions and pinchzoom.

We're looking forward to chatting to you over some drinks and food at the Pike Brewing Company. We'll head over there after the conference expo drinks on Thursday night at 7pm.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

The pinchzoom and Web Directions teams.

Added by chezza on May 10, 2011



Unfortunately I can't make it - my plane doesn't land until 9:45.

Stephanie Rewis

I'm not sure whether Greg's plane gets in in time for this. (It may be about 6:30) Count me as +1 just in case. :)


I'll be there


(to officially revise - I don't know how I read "Thursday" as "Wednesday". I'll be there.

kris mansalan

i was there, lots of fun!
earth street view gogle