Welcome to 2nd ever Vancouver Web Based Entrepreneurs Lunch! The first one was a huge success with over 35 cool and very bright web based entrepreneurs showing up, sharing the ideas, and connecting at last one at Section 3.
If you weren't at the first one, here's some more information:
When TeamPages was back in Victoria there use be a lunch every month where all the web based companies would come together for lunch. It was an awesome way to share ideas, technology, seek advice, and build a stronger and more cohesive web based community in Victoria. I figured if we could have a monthly lunch in Victoria why not start one up in Vancouver. The lunches are informal and there’s no monthly fee (the $5 fee is just to make sure people are serious about attending as space is limited and the $5 will be deducted from your bill so you get it back). We’ll pick restaurants that are reasonably priced (as we’re all start ups) and you can wear whatever you want (although some form of clothing is recommended). You can stay as long as you want to or can based on your busy schedules. This lunch is all about taking just a little bit of time out of our busy schedules to meet up and share.
Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/Vancouver-Web-Based-Entrepreneurs-Lunch/
Added by bootup on June 11, 2009