De web 2.0 borrel, of borrel 2.0, is een (bijna) maandelijks terugkerend evenement. Een borrel voor creatieven, bouwers en bedenkers van web applicaties. Een kans om collega's in Den Haag en omstreken te onmoeten maar open voor iedereen met behoefte aan een biertje en goed gezelschap waar dan ook vandaan.
De borrel wordt iedere maand gesponsord door een ander bedrijf. Deze keer is dat Hensel Hosting uit Amsterdam, en binnenkort Los Angeles!.
De organisatie is in handen van Automatique en Winkwaves. BlueAce is mediapartner.
Official Website:
Added by tizzle on September 29, 2007
You weren't the only one. People were either at FOWA or had other, all perfectly valid, reasons for not making it. Still a few people came and it was great fun.
the opencoffee meetups are in the wrong location, so far from the station that it does not make sense for non amsterdammers to go there in the morning. Alper is doing his own rotating opencoffee meetings in rotterdam, delft and den haag though which is a lot easier for us southerners and should be fun (though small) too.
We are having a cowork day every last friday of the month in the boterwaag. Work and meet during the day, afternoon drinks as well of course! More info, mail me on [email protected] or join out linked lin group:
Look forward to meeting you!
Marston A
I wanted to make it but can't tonight. Hopefully next time. Are any of you going to the FingerTips Morning Coffee meetup next Thursday in Amsterdam? Drop me a message if you are.