50 N La Cienga Blvd
Beverly Hills, California 90211

In conjunction with Brian Tracy International, Shades of Business would like to invite you to participate in our mastermind group, focusing on the Business Growth Strategies series of lessons by Brian Tracy.

During each session, we will:
*Watch a video prepared for us by, and featuring Brian Tracy
*Receive an action guide
*Discuss key points from the lesson with our fellow Masterminders

*Register Now @ http://shadesofbusiness.com/AprilMastermindMeeting.html

The topic for this session will be:
“Wealth Creation Strategies”

You will learn:
*How to determine the best wealth producing strategy for yourself
*The 3 keys to wealth creation in successful businesses

*How to use your personal skills at the highest levels to create wealth

*Why 20% of people earn 80% of the money in business

*The 3 keys to market leadership necessary to generate wealth
*The 8 ways that you can create additional value for your customers
*The four essentials for selling to individual consumers
*The key to wealth creation!

Attendance for the Mastermind Group meetings is capped at 15 people.
Only registration with payment confirms your seat.
No un-registered attendees will be accepted at the door.

Fee per session is $15 and includes appetizers.

This meeting will be facilitated by Brian Tracy BGS Affiliate Coach, Brian M. Willingham (http://www.bmwcoaching.com).

6:30-7:00PM Networking
7:00-7:30PM Videotaped Lesson
7:30-8:15PM Group Discussion/Masterminding

*Register Now @ http://shadesofbusiness.com/AprilMastermindMeeting.html

Call Nia Mansell with any questions at (888) 824-8700.

Added by ShadesOfBusiness on April 14, 2010

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