3800 Homer Street
Los Angeles, California 90031

Heritage Square Museum is teaming up with the Women's Journey Conference to present We Did It For You! Women's Journey Through History, a special performance in the historic Mt. Pleasant Residence. This presentation follows the Women’s Rights movement beginning with Anne Hutchinson in 1591 and continues all the way to Hillary Rodham Clinton today! In total, as many as 20 characters will be featured, ranging from Mary Kay to Susan B. Anthony to many, many more.
The play is being performed in honor of the museum’s latest exhibit Their Rights and Nothing Less: Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage, which is made possible thanks to the support of Planned Parenthood of Pasadena, Bob Taylor Properties, the Glendale Printing Center and 9 to 5 Working Women Los Angeles.
Because of limited space, RSVP is a must by calling (323) 225-2700 ext. 223.

Added by mariaa on August 19, 2010