310 Shove Street
Fall River, Massachusetts 02724

Women’s Club SWANS and New Commons are having a joint event for women in and around RI. Michelle Girasole of the Sassy Ladies will speak on the topic of “Making Connections On-Line and Off-line”. Michelle Gonzalez of New Commons will also lead us in a fun interactive exercise on our networks. This event is open to all women interested in an evening of fun and inspiration and connecting with other women for social and/or business reason. Please join us 6pm to 9pm @ McGovern’s on the Water; $20.00 members/$30 non-members (additional fee may apply). Pre-registration is required. More info: www.wcswans.com or 401-694-1284

Official Website: http://www.wcswans.com/

Added by womens club swans on May 1, 2009

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