114 Jh Williamson Jr Dr
St Robert, Missouri 65584

Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce Membership Social "Mardi Gras" will be held Friday, July 17th beginning at 6pm at the St.Robert Community Center.

Citizens Mortgage Company is sponsoring this event with Celebrations Catering providing the food.

Throw on your beads and usher in a new year with the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce at the Annual Membership Social. The theme for the evening is Mardi Gras and we'll be celebrating in more ways than one!

We will have live jazz music, a festive cuisine and business will be at a minimum, as we thank Steve Lynch for his service and welcome the new Chamber President, Mike Dunbar.

Dress in your best Mardi Gras outfit.

Cost of dinner: $15/person

Please call the Chamber office at 573-336-5121, no later than 9am, July 15, 2009 to make your reservations!

Official Website: http://www.waynesville-strobertchamber.com

Added by mlspark on July 13, 2009

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