Uninersity of Nevada
Reno, Nevada 89557


The March meeting comprises one of the Washoe County Democratic Party CCC's required quarterly business meetings, and as such will offer the opportunity to be nominated and voted in as a WCDP Central Committee member. In addition, WCDP Executive Board nominations and candidate speeches will take place at this meeting, and a quarterly treasurer's report will be presented for review by the membership.

Folks who were active with the Obama campaign may remember Jot Travis, the former student union building, but for those of you unfamiliar with the site, a map link is provided here.
The map highlights the Jot Travis building as #048 (look
toward the bottom of the map) and lists all the handicapped parking available. Additional parking is available on the street and in the UNR parking garage. Since our meeting is early evening, parking should be readily available.

Signs will be posted to help guide you to Jot Travis from the access point at the intersection of Virginia Street and Artemesia Way, which is also the location of one of the disability parking lots. At the building, signs will guide you to room 100. We hope to see a great turnout!

Should you have further questions about the meeting or need more specific directions, contact us at 323-8683.

Official Website: http://washoedems.org

Added by WashoeDems on February 26, 2009

Interested 1