Rachel Posner, Trinity Hall alum, is organizing this year's blood drive and wanted to recruit fellow Cantab graduates for this excellent cause.
Why give?
- All donations will stay in the Washington area filling a desperately needed supply:
- Every 17 seconds, someone in the Washington area receives blood
- Only 5% of the eligible population donates blood you will be part of it
- One out of every 10 people will use blood before the age of 70
- One blood donation can save four lives
It's Safe, Simple, and Rewarding...
- Only one pint of blood is given during donation, which is quickly replaced by the body.
- Each unit of blood undergoes 9 extensive state-of-the-art tests to ensure that the blood is safe for donation.
- You will be notified (confidentially) if any of the tests show abnormal results.
- Delicious sweets to eat after making your blood donation!
Event submitted by
Eventful.com on behalf of