320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Confused by curry? Baffled by basmati?

If you have been turned off by curry powder out of a can,
join our personal chef, Ameeta Vora at New Frontiers
Natural Marketplace, Saturday, February 21 from 11am- 1pm.
Ameeta will demonstrate the proper blending of Indian herbs
and spices that make your vegetables and taste buds sit up
and sing! Authentic East Indian cuisine is flavorful, not necessarily
“hot.” Ameeta will teach you the easy way make perfect basmati
rice and discuss other delicious accompaniments that can be
purchased already made. You will share Ameetas’ delicious lunch
and receive recipes to take home. Add some warmth to your
winter with seasonal East Indian cuisine!
Call New Frontiers Natural Marketplace, customer service at
928-774-5747, to reserve your place by February 15. Class fee of $23
per person including luncheon, may be paid with a credit card at time of reservation.

Ameeta Vora is an expert in all aspects of Indian culture and studied vegetarian cooking while living in India.

Added by priyadrews on February 2, 2009

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