65 Concord Ave.
Toronto, Ontario M6H 2N9

All Ward 19 City Council Candidates

All Ward 10 TDSB School Trustee Candidates

The Dufferin Grove Residents Association invites you to a Candidates Debate at Dewson St PS on Tuesday November 7th, 2006.

School Trustee Candidates from TDSB Ward 10 will debate from 7 - 7:50 p.m.

City Council Candidates from Ward 19 will debate from 8 - 8:50 p.m..

Please let us know if you can come.

We will be advertising the debate in letters home to students in neighbouring schools.
Chris Glover
Education Rep
Dufferin Grove Residents Association

Official Website: http://www.BecauseOnNovember13YouCanElectHiMYSYeD.TYO.ca

Added by HiMY SYeD Ward 19 Toronto on October 16, 2006


HiMY SYeD Ward 19 Toronto

I am a city council candidate and will be attending the debate.