131 Dartmouth Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116

This walking tour of the South End explores an enormous, diverse, and dynamic neighborhood. On this tour we will observe new revitalization from the 21st century, mixed-income housing from the late 20th century and a collection of spectacular Victorian buildings.

We will observe new revitalization from the 21st century, mixed-income housing from the late 20th century and a collection of spectacular Victorian buildings.

Not only the elegant townhouses that form the backdrop to English-style “squares” but also wonderful public buildings that added to the vibrance of this neighborhood in the 19th century.

From the start of creating the South End at the first landfill in 1833, its developers dreamed of forming the most fashionable of neighborhoods. But, after a promising start those dreams were, for well over a century, not fulfilled.

Steadily over the past 25 years, however, the South End has really come into its own as one of Boston’s most desirable areas. This tour will explore the forces behind the demise of the original dream and also the successful rehabilitation of this fascinating neighborhood.

Boston By Foot offers a wide variety of walking tours throughout the year showcasing the history & architecture of Boston. See www.bostonbyfoot.org for more information, other offerings, scheduling private tours, or becoming a member for discount pricing.

Tour starts promptly at the designated time. Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of the tour to purchase your tickets from the guides.

Official Website: http://www.bostonbyfoot.org/tours/South_End

Added by blaxton on April 8, 2009

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