2300 Steele Street
Denver, Colorado 80205

Mother’s Day ‘Walk to Empower’ Provides Breast Cancer Support Today
At 9::00 a.m. on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10, more than 1,000 walkers and volunteers will gather in Denver’s City Park for the fourth annual Walk to Empower, a 3-mile, non-competitive walk.

Breast Cancer Network of Strength™ (formerly known as Y-ME®) does not raise funds for research. Instead, it provides immediate emotional support to anyone affected by breast cancer through the YourShoes 24/7 Breast Cancer Support Center staffed by survivors, support groups, Open Door educational programs, breast health awareness workshops, wigs and prostheses banks for women with limited resources, and advocacy on breast cancer related policies.

The Walk to Empower inspires and empowers all who attend. This fundraising event is the perfect way to honor the survivors in your life, commemorate your own diagnosis and remember those who are no longer with us.

This year’s goal is to raise $150,000 to support programs and services that help ensure no one faces breast cancer alone. For more information or to register visit; http://walk.networkofstrength.org/denver or call 303-300-5158

Official Website: http://walk.networkofstrength.org/denver

Added by meghan.stinton on February 17, 2009