210 E 400 S
Salt Lake City, California 84111

Waiting to Inhale examines the heated debate over marijuana and its use as medicine in the United States. Twelve states have passed legislation to protect patients who use medical marijuana. yet opponents claim the medical argument is just a smokescreen for a different agenda-to legalize marijuana for recreation and profit.

Added by maybthatsme on January 20, 2009



alcohol does more harm than any other drug.Pot is the most harmless. I do not smoke pot but criminalizing it? hasant seemd to stop anyone. lets spend more tax $ers on the fake wore on drugs. we[ the u.s.] have more people in jall than any othe country per cappita. pot smokers dont speed, steal or even get in fights. Tax pot and that would pay for rehab for people with real drug problems.

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