29 Church Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401

Committed to enriching lives through entertainment and knowledge, Borders offers customers the opportunity to meet their favorite authors and musicians in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. With the release of “Promise Not to Tell”, this event offers mystery fans the opportunity to meet local author Jennifer McMahon in an intimate setting and be among the first to purchase a copy of the book and have it autographed.

ABOUT THE BOOK: Set in rural Vermont, “Promise Not to Tell” is Jennifer McMahon's chilling debut novel about a woman whose past and present collide when she returns to her small hometown to care for her aging mother on the same night a young girl is killed. The vicious crime mirrors the haunting murder of her childhood best friend Del, who was also the town outcast known as the "Potato Girl."

Official Website: http://www.bordersstores.com/stores/store_pg.jsp?storeID=276

Added by hmorse on April 8, 2007

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