16345 Mcclure Rd
Chelsea, Michigan 48118

We will remove shrubs from this area to restore a fen. This will be our second workday at this site. Join us for the fun! Our shrub cutting efforts will give the native, sun-loving prairie plants more room to grow. Meet on Waterloo Road just west of M-52. Roadside parking. ***Waterproof boots, either knee-high rubber boots or hip waders, are recommended for this site, but not necessary. Rubber boots are available to borrow, upon request. Old boots that you don't mind getting muddy will work too. For workday details, additional dates, to get directions, and to register: http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10366_10871-162412--,00.html.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 11, 2010