16345 Mcclure Rd
Chelsea, Michigan 48118

Join us for our second ever workday in this amazing fen! Help us cut, haul and stack invasive shrubs that are starting to move into this fen. Our first two attempts to cut buckthorn in this fen were foiled by rain. So, we are a bit behind schedule, but we can get caught up at these winter workdays! We will see a lot of change in just 3 hours and the native plants will thank us. Meet on Waterloo Road just west of M-52. Roadside parking. ***Waterproof boots, either knee-high rubber boots or hip waders, are recommended for this site. Knee-high rubber boots are available to borrow, upon request. Availability is limited; first come, first served. Contact Laurel Malvitz-Draper at 248-359-9057 with any questions.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 6, 2011