16345 Mcclure Rd
Chelsea, Michigan 48118

Join us as we continue our work in this neat fen wetland! We will cut and pile invasive shrubs, like glossy and common buckthorn, that are moving in from the upland edges around this wetland. Meet on Waterloo Road just west of M-52. Roadside parking. Waterproof boots, either knee-high rubber boots or hip waders, are recommended for this site, but not necessary. Rubber boots are available to borrow, upon request. Old boots that you don't mind getting muddy will work too. To learn more and to register please visit www.michigan.gov/dnrvolunteers and click on the Calendar of Volunteer Stewardship Workdays link. Contact Laurel Malvitz-Draper at [email protected] or 248-359-9057 with any questions.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 10, 2010