1 College Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401

Voices For the Lake will be highlighting videos captured on our new YouTube kiosk and helping adult guests frame their stories about Lake Champlain. Do you have a favorite memory of Lake Champlain? Have you done something to make a difference for the health of Lake Champlain? Why is water important to you? Voices staff will be on hand to stimulate and to engage in conversation around Lake Champlain and waterways in Vermont. A collection of organizations will be present with opportunities for guests to get involved and make a difference in their community.

Lamoille County NRCD – Stream bank planting, water quality monitoring, school group projects

Friends of the Winooski – Water quality monitoring, river clean-ups, riverbank restoration

The Nature Conservancy – Invasive plant removal, Green Up Day, tree planting, water chestnut pulling

Friends of the Missisquoi – River Clean-up Paddle, water chestnut pulling

Vermont Natural Resource Council – Activist network on water quality issues

Free with admission. www.echovermont.org . 1-877-ECHOFUN

Added by echovermont on April 7, 2009

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