202-70 East 2nd AVE
Vancouver, British Columbia V5T1B1

Upon completion of this workshop you will be able to:
– Understand how camera parts work together (mirror, lens, curtains, prism, viewfinder)
– Understand and use shutter-speeds as a creative compositional tool
– Understand and use lens apertures as a creative compositional tool
– Understand in camera light-meter operations and metering modes
– Understand film/sensor technology and ISO light sensitivity rating
– Understand and use depth-of-field as a creative compositional tool
– Expose frames in complete manual mode, setting up your own exposure parameters
– Interpret film/digital sensor exposure for aesthetic effects
– Understand and relate lens focal-lengths to specific assignments
– Understand basic rules of composition and photographic aestheticism
– Critically review photographic imagery based on technical merits

Official Website: http://vnbphoto.com/workshops

Added by VNB Photo on December 14, 2011

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