701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, California CA

Let's meet at Yahoo! to watch Visioneers, a dark comedy where 1984 meets Office Space.

Trailer: http://visioneersthemovie.com/

Open to Yahoo! employees only.

Join us at Yahoo! Building E, Classroom 10. Call me at (408) 905-7343 if you need help finding the venue.

Synopsis: George Washington Winsterhammerman lives an ordinary life. He has a wife, a kid, a house, and a boat. Every day George gets in his minivan and goes to work as a Level Three Tunt at the Jeffers Corporation, the largest and most profitable corporation in the history of mankind. It is an utterly comfortable life, but when people around George begin exploding, he fears he might be next. George visits his doctor and learns that the dreams he's been having are a symptom of impending explosion. Unfortunately, George can't stop dreaming, and as the explosion epidemic worsens, he is forced to question the life he's been living.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0833557/

Official Website: http://www.visioneersthemovie.com/2009/07/17/yahoo/

Added by uberlife on July 20, 2009