100 S. Patrick St.
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Surya Namaskar - Tuesday, October 13 (7:00pm – 8:30pm)
Surya Namaskar, the sun salutation, is at the core of our vinyasa yoga practice. Its fluid sequence warms up the body and encourages us to move with the rhythm of the breath. In this workshop we will first break down the components of surya namaskar to explain proper alignment and modifications. We’ll then practice several different variations that will have us floating through our practice.

Meditation in Motion – Dharana to Dhyana – Thursday, October 15 (7:00pm – 8:30pm)
The upper rungs of Patanjali’s eight-limb ladder include dharana and dhyana. Dharana, one-pointed concentration, leads us to dhyana, meditation. Join Sam as we use the breath and full concentration on each asana and moment, turning our vinyasa practice into a moving meditation.

Sukha and Sthira, - Tuesday, October 20 (7:00pm – 8:30pm)
One of Sam’s favorite of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is “Sthira sukham asanam,” our asanas should be steady and comfortable. This workshop will explore sthira (steadiness or effort) and sukha (comfort and ease), finding the balance between the two within each asana and the practice as a whole.

Yoga Nidra - Thursday, October 22 (7:00pm – 8:30pm)
Yoga Nidra is translated as “yoga sleep,” but is really a state of deep meditation. Participants rest comfortably on their backs and are led through guided meditation. As we reach the state of yoga nidra, it is as if our bodies are sleep, but our minds remain awake and aware to truly experience the deep relaxation. The first hour of this workshop will be a vinyasa yoga practice, followed by a brief explanation of yoga nidra and our yoga nidra practice.

Sign up for:
Individual sessions - $30/each
Full 4-part series - $100

All levels welcome.

Added by roachabella on August 13, 2009

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