1528 W North Temple
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116

The year is 1702 and the Colonial Village of Blackmarsh is celebrating their annual Harvest Moon Festival. Lord Devenport, of Devenport Manor, and his young and eligible daughter, Lydia, are announcing her engagement to the young clergyman, the Preacher Neville. Farmer Scoggins, who is famous for his enlarged gourds that are quite popular in the fall is in attendance, as well as Daniel Yourk, the young and handsome Soilder that has come home from battle. Emily Worthing, has recently come to town to instruct the young schoolchildren in the old ways of reading and arithmitic and the new ways of Modern Science. They have all gathered at the festival to have a good time, but it soon becomes apparent that not all is peaceful in the town of Blackmarsh. A dark and evil presence makes an appearance and points the townsfolk to witches, spells and sinister plots. Don't miss this thrilling murder mystery play.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 8, 2012