Veterans Day Film Program
Format - Film showing of "The Cost of War" (60 minutes) followed by panel discussion featuring Zach Goldsmith of Lincoln High Students Against War, Chuck Warpehoski of Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice, and speakers from Veterans for Peace and the Gray Panthers
Film - A review of the film, "The Cost of War" stated that "The movie offers only a brief glimpse of the war in Iraq and its incalculable human, personal, psychological and social costs, but it comes from a critical source - the perspective of those who have experienced war first hand. In The Cost of War, Iraq war veterans recount their views prior to deployment, their experiences in Iraq, and how those experiences changed them. Families and loved ones of those called on to fight in Iraq recount how the experiences of their loved ones have affected those they left behind.
Veterans of Korea, Vietnam and Operation Desert Storm provide a perspective on these current wars, informed by their own experiences in those earlier conflicts and the truths they came to know. With an understanding of true patriotism born of experience, these men and women explain why they reject the claim that supporting the war is "supporting the troops". They represent a long established and rapidly growing group of service members, veterans and military families who challenge the notion that blind loyalty in time of war is the mark of the patriot."
Sponsored by Gray Panthers of Huron Valley, Veterans For Peace Chapter 93, and Interfaith Council for Peace and Justic
Official Website:
Added by ICPJ on October 12, 2006