103 Main Street
Waterbury, Vermont

ABOUT THE FORUM Each year The Vermont Women's Fund provides grantseekers with the opportunity to come together in an informal setting and ask questions about our grant process. Attendees often comment that it's educational and insightful to listen to the questions asked by other organizations, even if they don't have any questions of their own. We have also received numerous feedback that suggests the Forum is simply a great opportunity to convene colleagues from an array of organizations and give them the time and space to mingle and have conversations about their work.
Given that, the structure of this year's gathering will be even looser than in the past. The Q&A period will begin at 10:15 am and we'll let that run as long as folks would like. When the Q&A comes to a natural close, whatever time is remaining will be used for informal mingling and discussion among attendees or with VWF representatives.
Advance registration is requested. If you plan to attend the Grantseeker Forum please visit www.vermontwomensfund.org/grantseekerforum/
* Please note: Attending the Forum is NOT required for grant applicants, nor will it impact your chances of receiving a grant.

Official Website: http://www.vermontwomensfund.org/grantseekerforum/

Added by Common Good Vermont on November 20, 2009