506 S. Pine Street
Richmond, Virginia 23220

On Friday January 21st, 2005 the flying Brick Library at 506 S. Pine Street in Oregon Hill will be hosting the acoustic folk-punk duo, Ghostmice from Bloomington, Indiana. The duo which consists of an acoustic guitarist and violinist have been together for a few years now and have several releases available on the record label they run, Plan-It-X-Records. They've toured the country and Europe several times and are going to be part of a massive, nine-band summer tour which will be done in a school bus. The event will kick off at 7:30 PM with a vegetarian potluck. The music will follow food and weather permiting there will be a bonfire out back. We will pass a donation bucket around to cover travel expenses for the band.  Please spread the word and feel free to contact Greg Wells ([email protected]) if you have any further questions.

Added by socialism on January 15, 2005

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