301 Acacia Road
Vero Beach, Florida 32963

General meeting open to the Public.

Last Meeting summary -
09 FEBRUARY 2009

Cmdr. Bill Heimbaugh, S Called the meeting to order at 1930 with a quorum present.
Lt. Tom Jones, S gave the invocation.
Lt/Cdr. Jim Ward, P led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lt. Kathy Thomas, S Introduced new members Gil and Leigh Lewin attending the evenings meeting.

Secretary Lt./Cdr. Jim Kreider, AP read the minutes from January meeting which were accepted and filed.

Treasure Lt/Cdr. Len Frosina, S reported income of $3,790.10 and expenses of $2,724.47 for January and total assets of $4,0352.12.

Executive Officer Lt/Cdr. Jim Ward, P reported that Lt Glenn Rose, S wanted to remind everyone that the boat show will be April 4th and 5th. Under safety Jim wanted everyone to know the Coast Guard no longer monitors distress signals on the low frequency emergency position indicating radios. They only one they monitor is frequency 406MH.
· P/C Jack Kruiten, AP announced that (4) new examiners have passed the written test requirements for Boat Safety Checks examiners. They are P/C Woody Boarman, AP, Lt/C Frosina, S, Lt/C Jim Ward, P and Lt Fran Desmone, AP. Lt/C Len Frosina has done his (5) required inspections under supervision and was awarded his life jacket.
· Lt Fran Desmone, AP golf Co-Chair reported they started last week for the first time at Vista Plantation which has given us a price break of $29.63. If Interested call Vista Plantation to reserve a tee time on Tuesdays at 1:00pm.
· Lt Howard Daniels, S Reported the Yard Sale will be March 7th. He needs volunteers on Friday the 6th to go to the storage shed to load up the items for the yard sale. Also, needs volunteers on the 7th at 6:00am. Howard will put a signup sheet on the bulletin board for both day . We will have a bake sale as part of the yard sale and asked for items for the bake sale. There will be a signup sheet for the bake sale items on the bulletin board as well.

Squadron Education Officer Lt/Cdr Dan Thomas, JN reported that Lt. Jack Burnham, JN has the Piloting(P) class starting this week. The Seamanship(S) class will start Tuesday night February 10 with instructor Lt Nancy Husbands, AP. We have (3) members taking Navigation(N) from instructor P/C Vic Silvestrini, SN. P/C John Spilman, SN will do Engine Maintenance when enough people sign up. Weather class starting February 11th. The ABC class will be February 21st and 22nd. Technical seminars will be held in March and April. We are, also, getting people certified to do the Boat Operators Certification Program.

Administrative Officer Lt/Cdr. Janet Leh, S reported that (40) people attended the Harbor Town Lunch cruise.
The ladies luncheon collected (52) can goods for the Homeless Center and The Steak Out is Sunday February 15th.
· 1st Lt. Harold Leh, AP reported that (14) boats and (90) people participated in the Poker Run. The Hole in Wall raft up will be February 28th and the signup sheets are posted.
· Chm Membership and Involvement Lt. Kathy Thomas, P reported there were (33) new members and potential new members who attended the new members party on January 18th. That (35) attended the ladies luncheon and that next month the luncheon will be at the YBYC. New members this month are Patrick Neligan, Tom & Mimi Rebik, Joe Krawiec, Walter & Linda Ickert and Associate Members Marv & Carol Marvin, Bill & Mary Bergen. Joe Krawiec, Preston Perrone and Gus & Linda Barberi were sworn in and presented with their membership certificates.

Cdr Bill Heimbaugh, S
· Asked Audit Committee member Lt Bill Lavigne, P to report on their audit results . Bill reported they audited the books from last year and everything was in pretty good order. Recommendations were we 1) - Adopt a procedure for check writing. 2) - The monthly treasures report should be base on the bank closing statement from the previous month and 3) -The reserve fund should be invested at a higher yielding rate.
· Thanked P/C John Spilman, SN for the new burgee.
· The D8 spring conference is April 24th thru the 26th in Ft. Lauderdale.
· R/C Tom Ellis, JN will represent the VBPS at the National Convention in Anaheim, CA February 18th thru the 22nd.
· Bill read the thank you letter for the fishing tournament from the Boy and Girls Club.
· Mentioned that Harold Leh received the Honor Roll Certificate for VBPS roll in Corporative Charting.


· Mediterranean Cruise May 10th thru the 27th.
· Spruce up the Power Squadron entrance vestibule.


P/D/C Joseph Leitz, SN made a motion to adjourn at 2015. Seconded by ??.

After adjournment Lt/Cdr Dan Thomas, JN presented a slide show presentation on the Western Cruise with members of the VBPS and the VBYC.

Respectfully submitted. Lt/C Jim Kreider, AP

Official Website: http://www.verobeachps.com/

Added by scullybobg on April 3, 2009



Get in the grove. Drop on in at the Friday Night Social for 5:30 to 7:30. Tell them Bob Scully said its on the house.

KEY WORDS - Vero Proud

Interested 1