3110 Roswell Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Variety of Georgia is looking for talented teenagers who could be the next Star of Tomorrow! The Stars of Tomorrow competition begins on October 25 and will take submissions until December 15. This fall, the non-profit organization lights up its latest initiative with the inaugural talent competition. Brilliant hopefuls 13-19 years old can get in on the vocal action to gain experience & exposure!

The competition starts with a state-wide talent call. Beginning October 25, eligible teens across Georgia can submit videos of their best performances electronically at www.sonicbids.com/starsoftomorrow. After event coordinators approve each submission, they will upload entries at www.youtube.com/varietyofgeorgia. Contestants can also share their videos among friends and family to leverage their networks and gain exposure.

Judges then select 20 finalists based on their performance videos. Already on board as a celebrity judge is Steve Clements, formerly with Disney’s The Mickey Mouse Club.

These top 20 young people take the stage on January 8, 2012, at Buckhead Theatre in Atlanta for a preliminary round of judging. As the evening comes to a close, the top 10 finalists are revealed.
Stars of Tomorrow hosts its final competition at The Fox Theatre on March 11, 2012.

For more information, contact Chase Evangeline Andrews at 678.994.4210 or [email protected]

Added by Brave Public Relations on November 11, 2011