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The French Trade office and FACCSF present
Valley Talk: Make It or Break It - Preparing Your Startup for Fast Growth
There comes a time in a companies early history where they need to grow and they need to grow fast. Calculating and executing on business milestones during this fast growth stage can make or break a company. Beyond a great product start ups need healthy business strategies, strong partnerships, good marketing and a whole lot of luck. Join us on a one day event to speak to editors, entreprenuers and potential partners that help your company leap forward to long term success. Hosted by the French Embassy as part of their French Tech Tour this day will see a host of key executives from Microsoft, Google and Palm, to VC, investors and the journalists that cover them.
The French Tech Tour is a week long event introducing French startups to business in the U.S. However, this "Day of Conversations" hosts a series of panels anyone can learn from.
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Symantec Corporation and Orrick Emerging
Hosted by Microsoft
Full Program Schedule
8:15 a.m. Registration & Networking Breakfast
8:45 a.m. Welcome Introduction
Dan'l Lewin, Microsoft, Corporate Vice President, Strategic and Emerging Business Development; Aymeril Hoang, French Trade Office
8:55 a.m. Keynote
Eric Benhamou, CEO of Benhamou Global Ventures & Chairman of 3COM
“Startup to Fortune 500: Challenges, growth and governance”
9:20 a.m. Engaging with Analysts and the Media
Panelist guests: Carla Thompson, Guidewire Group Editor; Michael Copeland, Fortune Writer; Rafe Needleman, CNET Editor; Erika Brown, Forbes Associate Editor
Moderator: Jeff Clavier, Founder & Managing Partner, SoftTechVC
10:20 a.m. Six French Startups Demo
11:00 a.m. Coffee Break
11:15 a.m. Five French Startups Demo
11:45 a.m. Success with Large Companies
Panelist guests: Dan'l Lewin, Microsoft, Corporate Vice President, Strategic and Emerging Business Development; Damien Henault, Director, Strategy & Corporate Development, HP; Erik Stuart, Director, Corporate Development, eBay; Hans van Rietschote, Director, Corporate Development, Symantec; Amin Zoufonoun, Principal, Corporate Development, Google
Moderator: Dominique Piotet, CEO & Editor-in-chief, L'atelier US-BNP Paribas
12:45 p.m. Closing Remarks
1 p.m. Networking Lunch
Official Website:
Added by FrenchEmbassyinSF on April 29, 2008