W62 N546 Washington Ave.
Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012

Ignacio Barcia was born in Montevideo, Uruguay and began studying guitar at the age of 12. Mr. Barcia has studied in Argentina and has attended and performed in seminars and master classes with internationally renowned artists. His live recording of Leo Brouwer's "3 Danzas Concertantes" with pianist Matthew Parker was chosen and broadcasted on NPR's "Carolina Concerts." Ignacio is currently pursuing a Master's Degree under the supervision of Cuban guitarist René Izquierdo at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where he also teaches guitar, sight-reading for guitarists, and guitar ensembles.

Benjamin Kammin has performed extensively throughout the Midwest and beyond as a solo guitarist. Working closely with John Stropes, a leading authority on finger-style guitar, Mr. Kammin’s focus is on performing, composing, exploring new repertoire, and pushing the boundaries of guitar notation. Mr. Kammin is currently enrolled in the MM in Guitar Performance program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where he is directly involved in primary research in finger-style guitar.

Added by CedarburgCulturalCenter on March 31, 2010