384 South Prospect Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401

One of Scotland's most valued tradition bearers (BBC Radio Scotland) fiddler Alasdair Fraser, is joined by the American cellist Natalie Haas for an evening that will bring a new freshness to the energy and beauty of Celtic music. A consummate performer, Fraser is known for his warm and witty stage banter, with the reputation of being one of the finest fiddle players Scotland has ever produced. (Scots Magazine). Alasdair and Natalie, who met as teacher and student, have been touring together for several years now, and the alchemy of their playing has won critical acclaim wherever they play. Opening for them will be the young Cape Breton fiddler Kimberley Fraser whose lightening quick lefty style leaves audiences gasping with awe. She'll be accompanied by (and who knows, they may switch instruments part way through as the Cape Bretoners are equally adept at piano and fiddle) another stellar performer in his own right: Troy MacGillivray.

This is an all ages event, tickets can be purchased online or by calling 802.656.4455. For more info on parking/directions please visit: http://www.uvm.edu/laneseries/directions.php

Added by laneseries on November 23, 2009

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