1000 LaSalle Avenue, TMH 166
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

With radical forces at play in the economy and in your industry, strategy becomes more important than ever. CEOs need knowledgeable, insightful leaders who can support the corporate strategy, while seeking new, creative ways to enhance the company’s value proposition.

UST Executive Education in Strategic Management is a rigorous four-day program that prepares current and emerging leaders to:
• Speak the language of strategy with C-suite executives
• Analyze the forces driving success in your industry or market
• Challenge traditional thinking and inspire innovation
• Identify and assemble the right resources and partners
• Evaluate business decisions from a strategic and ethical perspective
• Create differentiation by making deliberate choices
• Increase profitability and capture market share

When it comes to strategy, new models, methodologies and best practices abound. This program will update you on the latest thinking, and help you determine the best approach for your company.

Upcoming offerings:

October 6 - 21, 2011
Thursdays and Fridays, Full Day

April 12 - 27, 2011
Thursdays and Fridays, Full Day

There are no prerequisites to enroll in this non-degree program.

Please visit the University of St. Thomas UST Executive Education in Strategic Management website for more information or copy and paste the following URL: http://exed.stthomas.edu/StrategicManagement .

Official Website: http://exed.stthomas.edu/StrategicManagement

Added by ustcbe on January 26, 2010

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