2036 Rochester Road
Royal Oak, Michigan 48073

Are You on Twitter? Are you using it as the awesome tool it is to help your business grow and prosper? Twitter is the answer to finding more customers. But for many users - they just don't "get" Twitter. It's time to change that! We will teach you what Twitter is and how to really make it work for you and your business. You can't just show up and hope "it will happen" - you need to know how to do Twitter right and do it well. We want you to work smarter, not harder!

In this hands-on, "get-it-done" workshop, the MomGYB trio of mompreneurs Mary Hickman, Melissa Lierman and Lara Galloway will teach you the exact strategies they use to attract their ideal clients via the amazing resource that is Twitter. Learn how to put this powerful, free, social media tool to work growing your business in only 15 minutes per day. This workshop is for both those that are new to Twitter and those that have been using Twitter. You will learn tips, tricks, and tools to enhance your Twitter experience and efficiency.

We'll teach you how to create an authentic online presence that makes people want to know more about you and the work you do, as well as makes others happy to market your business for you! Our system will help you generate warm leads that easily convert to buying customers. And we're not just going to tell you how to do it-we'll be mentoring and giving you hands-on support as you do the work yourself.
Now is the time to Invest in yourself and your business!

Space is limited - so please register soon at www.momgyb.com

Using Twitter to Grow Your Business
September 29, 2009 9:30am - 12:30pm
Red Run Golf Club
2036 Rochester Road
Royal Oak, MI 48073
$59pp - must pre-register

Official Website: http://www.momgyb.com

Added by MHK Marketing on September 14, 2009



I love how many Royal Oakers are already on Twitter and using it for their businesses. We are one connected community! Hope you'll join us for this fun workshop. And don't miss out on the fabulous opportunity this will be to link your online and offline networking together!

Lara Galloway
The Mom Biz Coach
(and 1/3 of the MomGYB trio!)