Does the (good or bad) design of a product keep you awake at night? Are you passionate about creating web pages for humans, not just users? Do you want to improve the universe one product at a time? Now there’s a place you can go.
Introducing the first UsabilityCamp in Toronto.
UsabilityCamp is based on the same "unconference" format as DemoCamp and CaseCamp but focused on usability – and it’s FREE! We want to bring the product & industrial design, technology, web and business communities together and engage YOU in conversation about design, usability and user experience.
This is all happening as part of World Usability Day – local activities on a global scale which all take place on November 14th, 2006.
The theme for our Toronto event is Canadian innovation and our featured presenters include innovators from Umbra, Sapient Canada, Autodesk, ConceptShare and the CFC Media Lab.
Check for full details.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Registration/networking 6 - 7 pm
Presentations 7 - 9 pm
Pub After-party 9 pm - Late
The event with take place at the historic Gladstone Hotel at 1214 Queen Street West and is sponsored by Maskery, experts in Human Interaction Engineering, Usability Matters, a specialized user experience consultancy and local usability associations ToRCHI, Toronto Interacts and the Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI) at the University of Toronto.
The event is FREE but space is limited, so please Register Online.
Join us for UsabilityCamp in Toronto to LEARN, SHARE and MEET with others interested in usability and user-centred design.
We hope to see you there!
Official Website:
Added by musicdiva on November 1, 2006
Plus there is no way to see who's going. A write-only registration system doesn't mesh with my notion of openness.
And now that registration is closed, if you don't remember whether you registered and can't find a confirmation email anywhere, you won't know whether you're eligible to go. So to riff off David's comment, where is the "usability" in usability camp?
One problem with the looseness of the *camp movement (e.g. no trademark protection) is that there is nothing to prevent its naming scheme from being co-opted. Next we'll have BureauCamp where everything has been approved by 17 levels of management and all participants must sign an NDA.
Not to be picky, but where is the "camp" in usability camp? There's no camping. There's a preset schedule. There are no Broadway show tunes. No over the top performances by Adam West. No satire, unless the fact there's nothing related to the *Camp scene is what makes this campy.