Wilmington | DE | USA
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Overview: Recent reports identified several potential benefits to widespread use of UDI, such as reducing medical errors, facilitating recalls, improving medical device reporting, and identifying incompatibility with devices or potential allergic reactions.

The reports further indicated that many issues have to be addressed prior to successful implementation of UDI for devices, including determining the technology needed to utilize UDI effectively, identifying the data needed for patient safety; development, maintenance, and validation of a central data repository; and harmonizing UDIs for the international marketplace. FDA is reconsidering whether some form of unique device identification (UDI) is warranted for medical devices, given the potential of UDI to help reduce medical errors, facilitate recalls, and other issues identified from above but also improve inventory control, improve reimbursement, and reduce product counterfeiting. Once your device is approved, ongoing regulatory requirements fall largely into two categories: labeling and tracking. How does UDI fall into this category?

Webinar By GlobalCompliancePanel

Price List:
Live : $245.00
Corporate live : $495.00
Recorded : $295.00

Event Link - http://bit.ly/SNxLh3

Added by John Robinson on September 24, 2012

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