1337 Mission St
San Francisco, California 94103

Come join us for cocktails after the Sex::Tech conference!

Violet Blue (tinynibbles.com)
Nikol Hasler (Midwest Teen Sex Show)
Jason Schultz (lawgeek.net)
Ariel Waldman (ShakeWellBeforeUse.com)

Notes: You don't have to attend the conference to come to the happy hour. Feel free to bring friends, but be mindful that it's limited space.

Added by arielwaldman on January 10, 2008



ariel, would you prefer we only respond in one local to better add up the response numbers? *crossing fingers that i don't have to travel that week*


whatever works :)


gonna try to stop by before mirah show.


Awww man... I wish I could be there -- we just launched a site on Monday that would go hand in hand with this: http://belowthewaist.org

Is a news and advocacy site for reproductive healthcare!

maybe next time.


Thanks everyone for coming out!