2941 Main Street
Santa Monica, California 90405

Join us for another exciting Lock and Key Event! Our parties are interactive and FUN ways to socialize, make new friends, meet your match...or just have a great time! Grab a cocktail and get ready to Unlock Your Possibilities. Lock and Key Events transform a regular happy hour by adding the ULTIMATE ice breaker theme. It's like no other party you have ever attended!!! With your lock or key, you now have a reason to talk to anyone and everyone you want! What a great way to unwind after a long work week...or kick off a night on the town!

Arrive early and stay late!
Check-in starts 1/2 hour BEFORE the party starts
Dance and mingle with your new friends until closing!

-- Friday's Party for 40's to 60's--
-- Saturday's Party for 20's to 40's--

Added by Lock and Key Events on January 10, 2010