Wilmington | DE | USA
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Overview: This webinar will cover the FMEA tool in details based on the presenter’s experience of over 25 years with the tool in several industries including nuclear and aerospace. It shows how to plan it, what to look for, and how to prevent risks. Participants will be able to use this tool to not only comply with the Joint Commission requirements but also to prevent harm.

Entire methodology is covered with examples from health care including how to document, how to predict harm scenarios, how to identify quality problems, how to prevent quality problems, and make health care a very reliable process. This tool is better than Six Sigma. It fixes problems very fast instead of months and years.

Why should you attend : This technique is widely used in almost all industries for over 50 years for proactively predicting risks and mitigating them before any lawsuits take place. The primary purpose of Failure Mode and Effects (FMEA) is to deliver reliability of medical intervention for a standardized process, such as performing heart surgery, installing pacemaker, replacing failed heart with a mechanical implant, patient intubation, admitting patients, discharging patients, administering medication, and monitoring patient condition. The Institute of Healthcare (IHI) defines Reliability as failure-free performance over time. Since in health care each patient is different, there are often deviations. Standardization is the result of this analysis including how to deal exceptions in patient care.

Areas Covered in the Session:
The Joint Commission requirements
FMEA process
Describing the process functions
Potential failure modes (what can go wrong)
Causes of failure (root causes)
Effects of failure (on the patients and employees)
Risk quantification
Risk mitigation
Revised risk assessment
A healthcare example of FMEA

Who Will Benefit:
Everyone in the hospital will benefit including
Chief medical officers
Department clinicians such as radiology, surgery, emergency medicine
Quality assurance staff
Patient safety staff
Pharmacy staff

Official Website: http://alturl.com/ih2ro

Added by Roger Steven on August 30, 2012

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