1301 Ponca Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21224

An underground scene NEEDS to BE underground, right? Well, now it is...

FOR ON E NIGHT ONLY...AT LAVE LOUNGE....M.O.L.D., WHITE SHADOW, AND IMPULSE CONTROL. 3 crushing local industrial heavyweights, bringing the UNDER back to UNDERGROUND.

That's right folks, Saturday night, we'll be playing UNDER LAVA.

Come and feel the heat.....

5$, 21+

Official Website: http://profile.myspace.com/Modules/Applications/Pages/Canvas.aspx?appId=119211&appParams={'rt':'/Media/MySpaceMessage/df7e0231-b39d-4cae-8fce-01a1573e7c12'}&g=1

Added by thecrucifuct on July 30, 2009

Interested 1