214 West Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23220

This summer Candela Gallery will host UnBound!, its inaugural invitational exhibition featuring work from 50 contemporary fine art photographers. The exhibition will open to the public Friday, June 1st, with a reception from 5 to 9 pm, with many of the artists expected to be in attendance. UnBound will continue through July 21st.

This annual summertime invitational exhibition will generate opportunities and exposure for participating artists far beyond traditional group or juried show opportunities. For the first go-round, Candela received over 280 submissions from 32 states and 11 countries. 2012’s UnBound! will include notable and emerging photographers, including Joni Sternbach, Louviere + Vanessa, Susan Worsham, Lex Thompson, Beth Moon, Michael Donner, Caleb Cole, and Susan Burnstine.

Added by CandelaGallery on May 16, 2012

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