For nearly fifteen years, the Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum has provided an intimate and informative setting for students and the public to meet with and hear from seasoned professional entrepreneurs. Each month, a specific topic in entrepreneurship and innovation is presented and discussed by the leading Bay Area professsionals in that field. The purpose of the forum is to foster the growth and success of entrepreneurial ventures through the exchange of information and the development of productive relationships among entrepreneurs and those who finance and advise them. It allows professionals to meet each other and to meet the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders.
The Forum meets monthly during the academic year: September to November, and January to April.
The Entrepreneurs Forum will look at the changing world for start-ups, where even the youngest companies look to international markets for sources of labor and/or funding and where venture capitalists are equally willing to look across borders in their search for excellence. As an example of this phenomenon, our program will look at Silicon Valley firms that are searching out investment opportunities in Israel and Israeli firms that have come to Silicon Valley in their search for funding. Complementing this cross-border matching are Israeli venture funds opening offices here in the Bay Area in search of local investment opportunities.
To register:
For more information on this event and the Lester Center please visit:
Added by dcharron on January 5, 2006