Center for the Arts, George Mason University
Fairfax, VA, Virginia 22030-4444

The International Saxophone Symposium will be presented Friday January 5 and Saturday January 6, 2007, at George Mason University Center for the Arts in Fairfax, Virginia. The United States Navy Band and special guest performers commemorate 30 years of Symposium history with clinics, masterclasses, vendor displays, recitals, and concerts. Founded by Master Chief Musician (retired) Dale Underwood, the Symposium continually educates and inspires saxophonists of all ages and ability levels. Musicians, educators, and the general public are encouraged to attend. All events are free with no tickets required.

The U.S. Navy Band will perform the first showcase concert of the Symposium. As part of the 30th anniversary celebration Symposium founder and world-renown classical saxophonist Dale Underwood will retake the stage as soloist with the Navy Band. The 8 p.m. Friday performance also features classical artists Philippe Geiss of the Strasbourg Conservatory in France, and Senior Chief Musician Timothy E. Roberts.

Recitals begin Friday at 5 p.m. A complete schedule of events, Symposium history, artist bios, and much more information is available at

Official Website:

Added by drumrj05 on October 10, 2006

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