RSVP@ [email protected]
Address: M1-5 Lounge
52 Walker Street,
Bet. Church & Broadway
New York, NY 10013
Subway: A,C,E,N,R,6 TO Canal Street
Date: Thursday, May 11,2006
Time: 7pm- 12am
Admission: $5
Age:21 & older
Dress Code: Casual Attire(Dress to Impress)
NO Field boots
Sneakers( exceptions- solid black)
Du-Rags, Hats
U.Firm presents " Launch of a New Era" at M1-5 Lounge. The evening will be filled with entertainment to excite you and get your creative juices flowing. Come out, network and enjoy yourself with the talents of U.Firm as they showcase their trade for you with an incredible fashion show featuring designs from the original trendsetter, Anara Original and a live performance , displaying the hottest sound buzzing around NYC from "The Hip Hop Juggernaut," Sparda Deleon. With plenty of giveaways from us to you, including a raffle with the hottest trends and entertainment around; from movie passes, jewelry, footwear and more. Come and celebrate the " Launch of a new Era" with us and other industry professionals.
Added by ufirm on April 8, 2006