Level 3, 50 York Street
Sydney, New South Wales

Have you wondered how you can get the most out of Twitter to promote your business?

Have you got a Twitter name, but never tweeted?

Do you want to promote your business on Twitter but just don’t know how?

This great workshop is run by Clodagh Higgins (@ClodaghHiggins on Twitter) super Tweeter and owner of Get Focused Consulting.

In this 2 hour hands-on workshop you will learn -

* About marketing your business on Twitter
* Twitter content management & creation
* How to build a Twitter strategy for your business and build it there and then
* Show case studies of what businesses have done to get more business using Twitter
* The keys to a successful Twitter strategy
* Recipe for success on Twitter

Clodagh will run this as a hands-on workshop (so bring your laptop), with a limit of 10 participants – so you will benefit from personal attention.

Book NOW! http://www.socialrabbit.net/shop/twitter-for-business-success/?shopp_category=4

For only $125 (inc GST) this is a great workshop for those looking at starting to use Twitter for business, or improving their Twitter use for business.

Official Website: http://www.socialrabbit.net

Added by socialrabbit2010 on October 13, 2010

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