2128 4th St S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

Join us for a concert of favorites that will wrap you snugly in a special quilt of sights and sounds of the Season. The men of the Chorus will kick off your Holidays as no other group of performers can– to deliver all the joy and warmth that this most wonderful time of the year provides. Along with beloved tunes that evoke wonder and awe, we will offer new and exciting commissions and dramatic new works that will become favorites for years to come.

Ticket prices range from $18 to $38 and are available through the Northrup box office at 612.624.2345, or order online at www.northrop.umn.edu

Official Website: http://www.tcgmc.org/events/2007-12-homespun-holidays.php

Added by tcgmc on November 2, 2007

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