The first official meetup for users of Twitter, old and new.
But the event is open and available to non-Twitter people, or anyone who wants to learn more about blogging, tech, design, cyborgs, ect.
Grab a coffee or tea or some food and lets hang out by Vidoop's awesome new headquarters.
Discussions are open and fun, covering everything, and perhaps even some things about the upcoming CyborgCamp 2008, which will be simulcast in Portland, Or and Vancouver B.C. at the same time.
Hope to see you there!
Added by caseorganic on September 9, 2008
Completely right. It's kind of a pseudo tweetup, since we have them so often. I'm simply hoping new people will show up who haven't been to Beer and Blog yet.
Good idea, not all can make it to B&B.
nice 'mountain logo through very dirty windshield'
Right below eROI. Sweet.
hope to make it, much depends on when I need to meet folks for the Timbers game...
Great idea! Thursdays are much better then the B&B Fridays!
Thanks for coming, everyone! It was a great time!
This isn't the first official meetup, @beerandblog has really been PDXTwUG for a while now.