3 Quarry Hill
Leeds, England LS2 7PD

The brave new world of television is here, connecting the way we consume programmes and digital content. These new technologies enable you to choose your own schedule from a range of broadcasters, or potentially use apps to do entirely new things like order the same pizza that the actors are eating with one click! It brings challenges and opportunities. Be one of the first to see the new YouView platform demonstrated live and understand what this platform offers you and your business.

Presented by Screen Yorkshire & RTS Yorkshire, this event will provide an introduction into the world of Connected TV, which consolidates the linear TV, VOD, games and web content onto one new, convenient and exciting platform. Nick Gallon and Marc Goodchild (tbc) from the BBC's Future Media & Technology Department will reveal how it works, and discuss upcoming opportunities for content providers and developers. Joining them will be a panel from all outposts of the Connected TV industry, who'll debate the latest developments and discuss why they matter.

Who's it for?
Whether you're an Independent TV producer, content creator, web, games, mobile developer, broadcaster or student, the development of connected TV offers significant opportunities to all. Join us to find out how it can work for you.

Venue: Leeds College of Music, 3 Quarry Hill, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS2 7PD
Time and date: 23rd November 2010, 18.30 - 21.30 (Registration from 18.00)
Cost: General Admission: £10, RTS Members £5.00, Student: £5.00
Register at: http://connected-tv.eventbrite.com

Official Website: http://bit.ly/connect-tv

Added by screen_yorkshire on November 5, 2010

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